I started a podcast!
It’s all very exciting, I know. Okay, actually my brother and I started a podcast, but still, it’s pretty dang sweet.
If you ever played those old point-and-click LucasArts adventures games like Day Of The Tentacle, Tie Fighter, Grim Fandango, Full Throttle, and Monkey Island, then you’d probably be interested in the stuff we’re talking about. Which is precisely those games.
We grew up playing those games, working with friends to try and figure out those difficult puzzles, and for years have been talking about them nostalgically. Finally, we did a little research, brushed up on the gameplay, and hit record during those conversations. We liked what happened, so we put it out there for others to be entertained by.
Anyway, the first episode is out today! If you have a few minutes–heck, even if you don’t, you can always listen while you work, eat, run, etc.–we’d love for you to give it a listen. If you like what you hear, please give it a decent review and maybe even subscribe. If you absolutely love it, then feel free to tell someone who’s into old video games. He/She might just dig our show.
The first episode is all about the classic 1987 video game Maniac Mansion. If you played it, give it a listen. If you’d like to play it, go to our website and we’ll link you to ways to play it online.
You can find the podcast here…
iTunes: https://goo.gl/ddhs94
Android: http://goo.gl/oibiSt
Stitcher: http://goo.gl/VTFQLM
Where else you can find us…
Website: http://www.MenOfLowMoralFiber.com
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MOLMFpod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/menoflowmoralfiber/
Thanks again!
(Feel free to share this post if you feel like someone you know might be interested as well. Thanks!)