Just over a year ago, I posted: “Hey Everyone! Come See How(/what) Good (stuff) I Look (at)!” in which I posted some of the coolest, most interesting, funniest and just plain awesomest things I’ve found via StumbleUpon, Sean, Jason, Meaghan, Hannah or some other crazy, roundabout way. Then a few months later I posted Video Mahem, followed by this post and this post in which I basically summarized all of the best content on the internet for your viewing enjoyment.

Again, I have worked and worked to shorten the time and effort it took to find these golden nuggets of wisdom, frivolity, joy, tears and knowledge for you. Enjoy…

Yay EverydayWith an ever-updating, constantly changing, plethora of all things unique, original, hilarious and thought-provoking, YayEveryday.com is a great website to checkout when you need a quick pick-me-up. Plus, because they update it so often, you can go back the next day and see an entirely new site. Fun stuff.

SF Giants ParadeJust in case you forgot, the San Francisco Giants won the 2010 World Series. Then they had a big ol’ party with over a million people attending in downtown SF. So long torture…

Cat vs. InternetOne of my favorite Oatmeal comics of all time. If you love/hate cats, you’ll enjoy this strip:

Star Wars Paper Animation Thaaaaat’s pretty much what it is. And it’s amazing.

His Face All RedThis is a creepy, well-written, short comic. Pretty eery, but pretty inspiring for any illustrator/writer.

Inception In Real TimeYou know that crazy Inception movie? And how at the end there’s like layers within layers within layer within layers of dreams and crap? And with each dream within a dream, time slows down by 12 or by 20 or something? Yeah…well…here are all of them. At the same time. Boosh.

Play Time w/ Marshawn Lynch I love Kenny Mayne. I love Marshawn Lynch. Let me introduce you to the two of them…

Forbidden FruitEver wonder why you can’t get Mangosteen or Durian in the United States? Well here’s your answer…

SF AnthemEver with the Bay had another catchy song of the rap/R&B genre? Well here ’tis. (Hit like Barry, score like Jerry…)

Puppies Dressed as Cats(self-explanatory)

Tag That PhotoAs I’ve mention before, my boy, Sean Marshall Thompson is an amazing photographer. Check out his latest on his photo blog right here…

Underwater Base JumpIt’s insane. Watch it.

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