– Moral, Ethical & Spiritual Compass
– Counseling & Personal Development
– Budgeting & Fiscal Management
– Effective Campus & Community Relationships
Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge, & Skills
1. Urban Religions Site Visits
During LA-Term semesters, students have a class called Urban Religious Movements (GLBL 345) in which they visit a dozen different religious organizations around Los Angeles. During these visits, they meet with religious leaders, attend services and sit in on ceremonies in order to recognize the role religions play in providing meaning to peoples’ lives and to be able to learn from faiths other than their own. As a grad assistant, I attended many of these site visits, including trips to a Buddhist temple, an Islamic center and a Catholic church. While visiting these places of worship, as well as during our one-on-ones, I was able to help students learn and process their views of these religions before and after each site visit. I was able to see several students develop their own ideas of how they cope with other religions, often beginning with a very dualistic mindset, but moving toward a more relativistic view (Perry, 1999).
Here is the Urban Religious Movements Course Syllabus.
2. Personal Action Plan
As a part of our Diversity class (The Role of Diversity in Student Affairs Practice—CSA 567), I created a personal action plan designed to get to know an underrepresented group on a college campus. My three objectives were as follows: 1) Develop an Awareness of the African American Culture, 2) Gain increased Knowledge of the African American Culture, and 3) Develop Multicultural Skills to Work More Effectively with African American Students. During the quarter, I met with three different students from this cultural background and wrote a paper explaining in detail my experiences as well as those I interviewed. The most important thing I learned from the interviews was that many students of color think APU needs to do a better job engaging the student body as a whole in diversity issues, and not just assigning the multi-ethnic programs office to sponsor a few events a year or provide a town hall meeting to simply subdue their objections.
Here is my Personal Action Plan.
3. Gender From a Multicultural Perspective
Several other members of my cohort and I led a workshop on gender and body image on college campuses. We discussed the differences between gender-identity and gender roles and presented the theories of both Baxter Magolda (2001) and Rendón (1994) on self-authorship and validating students’ voices in regards to self-image. We also presented a literature review on the topic of gender identity.
Here is the Gender Roles PowerPoint Presentation.