Moral, Ethical & Spiritual Compass

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Moral, Ethical & Spiritual Compass

1. Confidentiality

Throughout my tenure as a grad assistant at APU, there have been several instances in which I have been privileged to information due to my employment status. Because of this, I have exercised discretion in my interactions with students and staff in dealing with these situations as delicately as possible. This was particularly exemplified during my time as a grad assistant for LA-Term when there were several instances in which illegal and/or volatile events occurred, each changing the course of students’ semesters. In each circumstance, I worked with my direct supervisor to determine what was most beneficial for that particular student and how to find the most sensitive solution in regards to their own safety and confidentiality. These experiences have taught me the significance of having a solid staff who understands the importance of student confidentiality.

2. One-On-Ones

During my year as a graduate assistant with LA-Term, I was able to meet with several students on a weekly basis each semester. Throughout these meetings (informally referred to as “check-ins” or “one-on-ones”), I helped mentor students and counsel them throughout their often-challenging urban semester. Throughout these meetings as I helped students deal with difficult issues, regularly consisting of spiritual dilemmas, I would also encourage them not to disregard their feelings and challenge them to try and understand why these conflicts arose (Sanford, 1967). I relied on my own personal experiences in urban learning environments, as well as my relationship with the Lord in helping students better manage these tough situations.

3. Student Leadership Covenant

As a graduate student at Azusa Pacific University working on campus, I was asked to adhere to the requirements listed in their Student Leadership Covenant. Because of this responsibility, I was expected to meet many standards including knowing Christ as my personal Lord and Savior, actively cultivating my awareness of social/global issues, as well as adhering to the all university positional statements in regards to their standards of conduct, academic integrity, and all other campus policies (Fowler, 1971). Attached is a copy of the Student Leadership Covenant.

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