Welcome to my Capstone. For the last two years I have been a student in APU’s Masters of Science in College
Counseling and Student Development program, and it has been a long, challenging journey. Through this time
I have grown professionally through my assistantships, intellectually through my courses, and both spiritually
and personally through the many amazing people I have met along the way. I have found a calling to student
affairs through the impacting, long-lasting relationships I have cultivated over the last two years, and know
that this is the profession I have been searching for all my life. I hope you are able to glean a bit of the wisdom
I have accumulated throughout this program from this website. And let me know if you have any questions or
comments by emailing me at
[Below is the Prezi presentation I used during my Colloquium on April 29, 2010. Enjoy!]